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Sample Wedding Dress Shopping at One Love During a Pandemic

Sample Wedding Dress Shopping at One Love During a Pandemic

The pandemic in 2020 was an event that no one saw coming. Many local businesses changed how they serve customers, implementing new safety measures and some turning to online platforms. 

The wedding industry changed a lot too, with ceremonies being canceled and bridal appointments limited. 

But the silver lining is how the pandemic showed us how adaptable we can become, especially with love involved! 

At The Bridal Outlet, we have also made some adjustments regarding our store policies and wedding dress shopping protocols in order to keep everyone safe while keeping the magic alive.

One of the most important things to think about when wedding dress shopping during a pandemic is the number of guests you plan to bring to your appointment. 

You may have envisioned a large entourage accompanying you, ready to celebrate. But, in order to decrease the risk of exposure, our guest limit is five guests max per bride.

When shopping for your dress, consider everyone involved, including your bridal consultant. A smaller party not only limits person-to-person interactions but also streamlines the dress decision process. 

We are also doing our part to keep everything clean and sanitized. This includes wiping down tables, doorknobs, bridal clips, and furniture. We also try to minimize the amount of exposure our beautiful sample wedding gowns receive, by pulling the gowns off the rack for the bride. 

The next thing to consider is waiting to book an appointment when you are serious about finding a dress. This isn’t to say that you need to purchase a dress post-appointment, but this will limit the flow of traffic in-and-out of the store. 

Because of the pandemic, dress shopping has changed in a way where “dress up” appointments are simply not functional. If the wedding is years in the distance or planning is in the beginning stages, until things are completely back to normal, consider doing your own research before booking, so you can arrive at your appointment prepared.

Create a portfolio with the styles, designs, and designers you love, then share it with your consultant. This streamlines the process and saves time since the consultant has a good idea of what your bridal vision entails.

We really want to make sure everyone involved in the process feels comfortable, safe, and satisfied. Pandemics may change things, but love always wins!

Savanah LambertOne Love Bridal Outlet

Savanah Lambert

June 6, 2023


One Love Bridal Outlet
1171 Beach Boulevard, Suite 104, Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250



